We Did Not Stop For COVID19

Over the last few months the world has changed significantly in the way people and business operate. Many have had to look at their business model and adapt it to suit a virtual or contactless environment.

Here at Cuddon Freeze Dry we were no different, with manufacturing ceasing for 5 weeks in Level 4 lockdown. During that time we were able to support our clients globally from home; the remote access into the Cuddon Freeze Dryers was worth its weight in gold.  We were able to fault find from a far and either re-assure the client or else direct local contractors to assist in identification of root causes and final resolution. Many of our clients saw unprecedented demand during the various shut downs – which was great for their businesses.  Some are now seeing a slight drop off as panic buying/stockpiling ceases, but particularly in the Petfood and Human Nutrition fields, clients are reporting that sales continue to be stronger than pre-COVID. 

Now that we have been back to work for several weeks, having recommenced manufacturing as New Zealand moved from Level 4 through to Level 2 lockdown, we are seeing projects that were on hold coming back on stream with business eager to get moving again.

On the other side of our operation, we have seen an increase in clients ordering spare parts for their dryers, particularly items that aren’t readily available off the shelf in their own country – product probes, ice coil probes, door seals and pump service kits.  This has come out of clients realising their lack of resilience when global freight becomes disrupted.

Our Top Tips For Your Business

  •  Review your operation – how resilient are you?
  • Look at spares holding/operation knowledge & experience within your business
  • What network support is available to you in normal/exceptional circumstances?
  • Regular maintenance, plant audit & staff training – small investment could save you more in the future

If you are looking for more freeze dry capacity or would like to find out more about freeze drying, then we would be happy to talk about your product and how a Cuddon Freeze Dry solution may help you.

Talk to us today




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